Tuesday, April 9, 2024

HTTP requests using the "When a HTTP request is received"

In Microsoft Power Automate, you can trigger flows based on HTTP requests using the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger. This allows you to create automated workflows that are triggered when an HTTP request is sent to a specified URL.

  • Sign in to Power Automate: Go to the Power Automate website (https://flow.microsoft.com/) and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  • Create a new flow: Click on the "My flows" tab and then click on "New" to create a new flow.
  • Select the trigger: In the search bar, type "HTTP" and select the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger from the list of triggers.
  • Configure the trigger: You will be prompted to specify a name for your trigger and define the schema for the HTTP request. You can define the schema manually or use the sample payload to generate the schema automatically.
  • Generate the URL: Once the trigger is configured, Power Automate will generate a unique URL for your flow. This URL is where you will send your HTTP requests to trigger the flow.
  • Build your flow: After setting up the trigger, you can add actions and conditions to your flow to define what should happen when the trigger is activated.
  • Test your flow: Before you start using your flow in production, it's a good idea to test it to make sure it's working as expected. You can do this by sending a test HTTP request to the URL generated by Power Automate.
  • Use the flow: Once you're satisfied with your flow, you can start using it in your applications or workflows by sending HTTP requests to the trigger URL.

Code in JQuery:

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