Thursday, December 19, 2013

Action button to set Date Value with Lotus Notes Formula Language

A quick and dirty way for doing this. No error checking, big assumptions about the input to the prompt being right.

nd := @Prompt([OKCANCELEDIT]; "Enter the New Date"; "YYYY/MM/DD."; @Today);
@If (nd ="";@Return("");"");
y := @Left (nd;"/");
m := @Left(@Right (nd;"/");"/");
d:= @right(@Right (nd;"/");"/");
FIELD DateFieldOnForm := @Date(@TextToNumber (y) ;@TextToNumber ( m)
;@TextToNumber ( d) )
The better, clean, way would be to use LotusScript and open a form in Dialog box mode, the form having a Calender tool on it.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Add Dynamic Text in Outlook Mail

This code will help to create a Macro that will be use for repeated input text.

Sub myMacro1()

Dim sText As String
sText = "Hi," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"This is a Macro Use in Outlook Mail" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
"Enjoy Coding:" & Chr(10) 

PrintTextToBody (sText)
End Sub

Sub PrintTextToBody(ByVal sText As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If TypeName(ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then
    If ActiveInspector.IsWordMail And ActiveInspector.EditorType = olEditorWord Then
        ActiveInspector.WordEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText sText
    End If
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Enable Telnet in Windows 7

It’s very rare use of Telnet these days, so it took a long time to notice that by default it was not packaged with Windows Vista and Windows 7

More than likely this was an attempt to make Windows more secure by default, as Telnet is very insecure. However, you can quickly re-enable Telnet by following these steps:

  1. Start
  2. Control Panel
  3. Programs And Features
  4. Turn Windows features on or off
  5. Check Telnet Client
  6. Hit OK

After that you can start Telnet via Command Prompt.

Monday, August 26, 2013

SQL Database Backup with Query

The tail of the transaction log usually refers to the contents of the database's transaction log that has not been backed up.  Basically, every time you perform a transaction log backup, you are backing up the tail of the transaction log.

Then why all the fuss over this?  Well, the complication starts when the database's data files are no longer available, perhaps due to a media failure.  When this occurs, the next logical step is to back up the current transaction log, and apply this backup to the standby database.  You can back up the transaction log even though the data files are no longer available, using the NO_TRUNCATE option e.g.

BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'G:\Backups\AdventureWorks_log_tail.bak' WITH NO_TRUNCATE

You can then use the resulting log backup to bring the standby database to the state the database was in before the failure.

This is another good reason to place your transaction log files on different disks from the data files.  If they were on the same disks, a disk failure would prevent you from taking a backup of the transaction log.

Another complication is when your database is using the bulk-logged recovery model, and the current transaction log contains minimally logged transactions.  In this situation, a transaction log backup needs to store the modified data pages (extents).  If the data files are not available, you cannot back up the transaction log, even with the NO_TRUNCATE option.

Lastly, in SQL Server 2005 and above, every time you try to restore a database which already exists, is using the full or bulk-logged recovery models, and the transaction log contains active transactions, an error similar to the following is displayed:

Server: Msg 3159, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The tail of the log for the database "AdventureWorks" has not been backed up. Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to backup the log if it contains work you do not want to lose. Use the WITH REPLACE or WITH STOPAT clause of the RESTORE statement to just overwrite the contents of the log.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

This is just SQL Server's way of telling you that there are log records in the transaction log that have not been backed up. If the current transaction log can be discarded, you can use the REPLACE option to tell SQL Server to ignore the current transaction log e.g.

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks FROM DISK = 'G:\Backups\AdventureWorks_full.bak' WITH REPLACE

Reference Page :
Reference Site:

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Microsoft Visual Studio "Debug" VS "Release" mode

When we want to deploy our web application to live/local server, then we have two options for making built – Release mode and Debug mode. Both the modes have own importance and characteristics. The details about Release mode and Debug mode are as.

Debug Mode
Developer use debug mode for debugging the web application on live/local server. Debug mode allow developers to break the execution of program using interrupt 3 and step through the code. Debug mode has below features:
  • Less optimized code
  • Some additional instructions are added to enable the developer to set a break-point on every source code line.
  • More memory is used by the source code at run-time.
  • Scripts & images downloaded by webresource.axd are not cached.
  • It has big size, and runs slower.

Release Mode
Developer use release mode for final deployment of source code on live server. Release mode Dlls contain optimized code and it is for customers. Release mode has below features:
  • More optimized code
  • Some additional instructions are removed and developer can’t set a break-point on every source code line.
  • Less memory is used by the source code at run-time.
  • Scripts & images downloaded by webresource.axd are cached.
  • It has small size, and runs fast.

There is no difference in functionality of a debug dll and a release dll. usually, when we compile code in debug mode, we have a corresponding .pdb (program database) file. This .pdb file contains information that enables the debugger to map the generated IL (intermediate language) to source code line number. It also contains the names of local variables in the source code.

The Release mode enables optimizations and generates without any debug data, so it is fully optimized. . Lots of your code could be completely removed or rewritten in Release mode. The resulting executable will most likely not match up with your written code. Because of this release mode will run faster than debug mode due to the optimizations.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Notepad as Programming Text Editor

Friends, do you know that notepad serves as a HEX and Binary editor. Yes, it does. !!!

If you do not have an programming text editor or a Binary Editor then you can make many changes to system configuration files or make your own using notepad.

Now using a notepad will tell you how to format an HDD. Consider it one of the first steps in learning. But please use it only to make your repair/debugging work on your Windows System simpler, and not to infect others.

Steps for Drive formating using Notepad :

1) Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says "Only 'Zero' and 'One' without space.
2) Save file as an EXE.
3) It's Done.. Run the EXE to format the current partition.

Note : Do not try it on your PC. Don’t mess around with this is for educational purpose only. And please backup your data before experimenting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Extracting text from a bunch of =EMBED(“Forms.HTML:Text.1”,“”) in Excel

Sub ExtractData()
Dim obj

    For Each obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
        If obj.progID = "Forms.HTML:TextArea.1" Then
            me.Range("A1").Value = obj.Object.Value 
             ''' change the Range as required
        End If
    Next o
End Sub

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SendKeys Method

This method places keystrokes in a key buffer. In some cases, you must call this method before you call the method that will use the keystrokes. For example, to send a password to a dialog box, you must call the SendKeys method before you display the dialog box.
The Keys argument can specify any single key or any key combined with ALT, CTRL, or SHIFT (or any combination of those keys). Each key is represented by one or more characters, such as "a" for the character a, or "{ENTER}" for the ENTER key.
To specify characters that aren't displayed when you press the corresponding key (for example, ENTER or TAB), use the codes listed in the following table. Each code in the table represents one key on the keyboard.

ENTER (numeric keypad){ENTER}
ENTER~ (tilde)
F1 through F15{F1} through {F15}

You can also specify keys combined with SHIFT and/or CTRL and/or ALT. To specify a key combined with another key or keys, use the following table.
To combine a key withPrecede the key code with
SHIFT+ (plus sign)
CTRL^ (caret)
ALT% (percent sign)


This example uses the SendKeys method to quit Microsoft Excel.

Reference: MSDN.Microsoft.Com 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meanings of these Words

Do you know the meanings of these words?

  • News = North East West South
  • Chess = Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers
  • Cold = Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
  • Joke = Joy of Kids Entertainment
  • Aim = Ambition in Mind
  • Date = Day and Time Evolution
  • Eat = Energy and Test
  • Tea = Taste and Energy Admitted
  • Pen = Power Enriched in Nib
  • Smile = Sweet Memories in Lips Expression
  • Bye = Be with your Everytime

Monday, May 13, 2013

AutoSend the mail from excelsheet

Create a Action Button and copy paste following Lotus Script.
When you click on action button it will open excel file.. add following columns and once your are done click "OK" Prompt button...

This is select individual rows and send mail.

Columns 1: To
Columns 2: Subject
Columns 3: Body Content

Programming Code:

Sub Click(Source As Button)
on error goto ErrorHandling

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim richStyle As NotesRichTextStyle
Dim color As NotesColorObject

Dim xlApp As Variant
Dim xlsheet As Variant
Dim ARangeValue As Variant

Dim I As Integer
Dim c As Integer 
Dim j As Integer
Dim answer As Integer

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument( db )
Set richStyle = session.CreateRichTextStyle
Set color = session.CreateColorObject
color.NotesColor = 240

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True

Set xlsheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1)

Messagebox " Copy the data in the excelsheet, Once you click 'OK' mail will sent to the respected users."

While Not xlsheet.Range(Chr(c) & "1").Value = ""

doc.Form = "Memo"
doc.SendTo = xlsheet.Range("A" & Trim(Str(i + 1))).Value
doc.Subject = xlsheet.Range("B" & Trim(Str(i + 1))).Value

Dim richText As New NotesRichTextItem(doc, "Body")

Call richText.AddNewline(1)

richStyle.Bold = True
richStyle.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE
richStyle.FontSize = 18

Call richText.AppendStyle(richStyle)
Call richText.AppendText("Title with Tex Style")

richStyle.Bold = False
richStyle.FontSize = 10
richStyle.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK

Call richText.AppendStyle(richStyle)
Call richText.AddNewline(2)
Call richText.AppendText("Body Contents for the mail....")
Call doc.Save(True, False)
Call doc.Send( False ) 

i = i + 1

Messagebox "Auto Mail send Process is Complited"

Exit Sub
Messagebox  Error

End Sub 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Windows 7 Cool Feature – Problem Steps Recorder (PSR)

It seems that Microsoft is coming up with something nice interesting tools in Windows 7. We are talking about feature that is called “Problem Steps Recorder”.

Problem Steps Recorder can be used to automatically capture the steps performed by a user on a computer, including a text description of where they clicked and a picture of the screen during each click. This capture is then automatically saved to a file that can be used by a support professional to help the user troubleshoot the issue or understand what steps were taken by the user.

To Start the Problem Steps Recorder : In the tradition of all of Microsoft’s handiest utilities, the Problem Steps Recorder isn’t plainly visible in the Start menu. To run it, you’ll need to open the Run dialogue box by hitting Win + R, and then typing psr.exe (below, top). In a pinch, you can also search for PSR at the bottom of the Start menu.

In any case, PSR is more than just a screenshot capturing tool. Besides automating the capturing of what’s going on the screen, it will also highlight the user’s mouse clicks, and, most importantly, will provide a detailed textual metadata with a description of what the user is doing.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Auto Complete mail address Outlook

In case of move to new PC/Laptop, if you want to move your Auto Complete mail address from Outlook then you just need to do following.

Locate the .nk2 file is C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook 

Copy where your new outlook is configured at the same location mention above. and your have done. 

Load your outlook and see Auto Complete is working now !!!

Knowledge Management vs Skill Management

# Knowledge Management Skill Management
1 It Involves capturing the knowledge of employees and sharing it so that it is available for others to use. It only focuses on application of Knowledge to find Solution
2 It's learning technique It's a Problem Solving Technique
3 It starts from individual and ends in sharing. It starts with sharing and ends up in individuals ability
4 Knowledge Management uses experience gained out of failures and also success. Skill is strongly measured based on only success of solving problems.
5 Knowledge is an intellectual property. Skill is one of the means of producing intellectual property.
6 Knowledge is relative. Skill is individualistic.
7 Knowledge is implicit. Skill is explicit.
8 It's a measure of the VALUE of the Organization. It's the measure of the ABILITY of the Organization.

In brief, Knowledge Management is learning and Skill Management is applying what has been learnt. Such application of skill may result in improvement over earlier learning and thus knowledge but not necessarily improvement of skill. Thus Knowledge is dynamic.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Error: 'This database has local access protection...' when trying to open local replica

You have appropriate access control list (ACL) rights but receive the following error message when attempting to open a local replica of a Lotus Notes database:
"The database has local access protection and you are not authorized to access it locally."
This situation occurs in cases in which a user other than you originally created the local replica.
There is a default security setting that encrypts local replicas in Notes releases (File menu --> Security --> User Security --> Notes Data --> Databases). However, instead of using the default option ("Locally encrypt using.."), you can create local replicas that are not encrypted from the File menu, by choosing Security --> User Security --> Notes Data --> Databases --> select "Do not locally encrypt" --> click OK.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This setting only controls what happens by default when you create new databases. If there is an existing database you must access, it must be decrypted by the ID of the user who encrypted it. This is a two step process. First, you must turn off encryption for the database and then you must compact it.
It is not possible to decrypt the database except with the ID that encrypted it because providing this ability would defeat the purpose of high-security encryption.
Switch to the ID of the user who encrypted the database.
If you have Domino Administrator installed:
a) Switch the Administrator to "Local server".
b) Find the database in the Files list.
c) Right-click and select Properties.
d) On the first tab of the Properties dialog box, click Encryption Settings --> select "Do not locally encrypt..." --> click OK.
e) Right-click the database in the Files list and click Compact. 
f) Accept the default options and click OK.

If Domino Administrator is not available or if you prefer to use Notes:

a) Copy the database to the Notes\Data directory.
b) Open Notes and login with the user ID and password for that database.
c) Open the database in Notes (File menu --> Open --> Application --> Browse). You may also want to change the Default access in the ACL at this time (File menu --> Application --> Access Control --> Default --> set Access to Manager).
d) Open the database's Database Properties dialog box (File menu --> Application --> Properties).
e) On the first tab, click Encryption Settings --> select "Do not locally encrypt..." --> click OK. 
f) Close Notes.
g) Run the Compact task locally in Notes from a command prompt. 
"c:\lotus\notes\ncompact -c c:\lotus\notes\data\xxxx.nsf"

You should now be able to open the database with any user.
In either case, you must close all windows in the database to let compaction proceed. If the database was opened in Domino Designer, you must close Designer itself, not just all windows in Designer.