Wednesday, May 11, 2022

JavaScript - Inheritance of Methods and Properties

Selecting Elements

Selection of the elements using document

  • document.documentElement
  • document.head
  • document.body

Query selection

  • document.querySelector(‘.header’) // only select 1 element
  • document.querySelectorAll(‘.section’) // all element with class section
  • document.getElementById(‘section1’) // you can find element by ID
  • document.getElementsByTagName(‘button’) // all element by tag – this is live collection
  • document.getElementsByClassName(‘btn’) // all element have class btn

Creating and Inserting elements

  • .insertAdjacentHTML // use to insert first in element
  • document.createElement(‘div’) // create DOM in javascript, you can append or insert in your page.
  • .prepend() // add element as first child
  • .append() // add element as last child
  • .before() // add before the element
  • .after() // add after the element
  • .remove() // delete the element

Important to know about Class

const logo = document.querySelector(‘.nav__logo’); // element
  • logo.classList.add(‘a’, ’b’) // add class to element
  • logo.classList.remove(‘a’, ‘b’) // remove class
  • logo.classList.toggle(‘c’) // toggle
  • logo.classList.contains(‘c’) // this will check if class is present in the element or not

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