Thursday, August 6, 2020

Replacing SharePoint Designer with VS Code

“Replacing SharePoint Designer with VS Code”

- install VS Code
- Add extension SPGO to your VS Code
- Execute following 2 thing
------ Connect to workspace
Press F1 : write > SPGO Configuration Workspace
put the URL and some relevant default inputs

-- new SPGO.json file will be created something like:

  "sourceDirectory": "src",
  "sharePointSiteUrl": "",
  "workspaceRoot": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget",
  "publishWorkspaceOptions": {
    "destinationFolder": "/",
    "globPattern": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget\\src\\**\\*.*",
    "localRoot": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget\\src"
  "publishingScope": "SaveOnly",
  "authenticationType": "Digest",
  "remoteFolders": ["/SiteAssets/Custom/js", "/Pages", "/SitePages"]

In case if SiteAssets folder is not getting downloaded, try to add the pattern "/SiteAssets/**/*"

Press F1 again: write > SPGO Populate local workspace
enter : registered EMail and Password.

Source found at following URLs

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