Tuesday, October 22, 2019

8 Must Know JavaScript Array Methods

Working with arrays in JavaScript used to be a pain with barely any support for complex array operations. Fast forward to today, though, and there are tons of amazing JavaScript array methods available to us. In this video I will be covering the 8 most important array methods in JavaScript.

const items =[
{ name: 'Bike', price:100},
{ name: 'TV', price:200},
{ name: 'Album', price:10},
{ name: 'Book', price:5},
{ name: 'Phone', price:500},
{ name: 'Computer', price:1000},
{ name: 'Keyboard', price:25}

// create another array with filtered items
const filteredItems = items.filter((item) => {
return item.price <= 100


// get element and create another array 
const itemNames = items.map((item) => {
     return item.name


//find element in array
const foundItem = items.find((item) =>{
return item.name === 'Album'

items.forEach((item) =>{

// some -- return true if found
const hasInExpensiveItem = items.some((item) =>{
   return item.price <= 100

// calculate with variable initiate as 0
const total = items.reduce((currentTotal, item){
    return item.price + currentTotal
},0) // 0 is the initial value of CurrentTotal


// include -- if item present in array return true.. this work fine with simple array...

const items =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const includesTwo = items.includes(2)
console.log (includesTwo) // return True..

const includesTwo = items.includes(6)
console.log (includesTwo) // return false..

// distinct from array

var distinct = (value, index, self) =>{
   return self.indexOf(value) === index;

var years = [2016, 2017, 2017, 2020, 2016, 2019]
var distinctYears = years.filter(distinct)

output : [2016, 2017, 2020, 2019]

Thanks to Web Dev Simplified and codeburst

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