Monday, May 21, 2012

CMD Tricks and useful

Here are some fun tricks used with cmd command:

  1. If your RUN option is disabled and you want to execute cmd then try this. open notepad type and save it as filename.bat. bouble click on it. and your cmd prompt will be displayed.
  2. If you cant open regedit by run open notepad type regedit and save it as filename.bat double click on this and regedit window will open.
  3. Use notepad to abort shutdown. Open notepad and type "shutdown -a" and save it as filename.bat. Now next time when your computer is about to shutdown double click on this bat file, your shutdown will be abort.
  4. CMD fun - open notepad and type shutdown -r 15 and save as filename.bat this will restart your computer in 15 seconds if you want to use this for fun paste this file in system32 and see. computer will restart in every 15 second.

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