Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New @commands that execute as soon as they are encountered in a formula on left with corresponding existing @command on right.

Clear - EditClear
CloseWindow - FileCloseWindow
DatabaseDelete - FileDatabaseDelete
EditProfileDocument - EditProfile
ExitNotes - FileExit
FolderDocuments - Folder
NavNext - NavigateNext
NavNextMain - NavigateNextMain
NavNextSelected - NavigateNextSelected
NavNextUnread - NavigateNextUnread
NavPrev - NavigatePrev
NavPrevMain - NavigatePrevMain
NavPrevSelected - NavigatePrevSelected
NavPrevUnread - NavigatePrevUnread
RefreshWindow - ReloadWindow
RunAgent - ToolsRunMacro
RunScheduledAgents -ToolsRunBackgroundMacros
SwitchForm – ViewSwitchForm
SwitchView - ViewChange

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is WI-FI and PUSH MAIL

Wi-Fi means Wireless Fidelity used to access Internet services in a Wi-Fi zone. Wi-Fi is also called as WLAN or Wireless Local Area Network.It stands for Wireless Fidelity. Wi-Fi networks use radio technologies provide wireless connectivity in local area networks. A Wi-Fi network can be used to connect computers to each other, to the Internet, and to wired networks using IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet. 
Wi-Fi networks operate in the unlicensed 2.4 and 5 GHz radio bands. Wireless LANs are not sufficiently protected. It is vulnerable to virus attacks and information privacy invasion. 
Security technologies are developed to enhance the WLAN security, including, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wireless Application Protocol (mainly for mobile devices) plus many vendor proprietary technologies.

Push mail is a feature in the phone by means of which an email received on the computer gets delivered to the phone also without "pulling" (dialing out to fetch mail) activity. Prerequisites for Push Mail A Java / Symbian / Windows phone with push mail client (a software application loaded on the phone) GPRS/ Blackberry/any other type of push mail subscription. The service is called "mail rendering". It means that any word/excel/ppt/acrobat files first few lines are sent as "text" with mail.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Change Comment Shape or Add Image

Add a Picture to an Excel Comment

  1. Right-click the cell which contains the comment.
  2. Choose Show/Hide Comments, and clear any text from the comment.
  3. Click on the border of the comment, to select it.
  4. Choose Format|Comment
  5. On the Colors and Lines tab, click the drop-down arrow for Color.
  6. Click Fill Effects
  7. On the picture tab, click Select Picture
  8. Locate and select the picture
  9. To keep the picture in proportion, add a check mark to Lock Picture Aspect Ratio
  10. Click Insert, click OK, click OK

Change the Comment Shape 
For MS-Office 2000/XP/2003 only.

Add a bit of interest to a worksheet, by changing the comment shape from a rectangle.
  1. Right-click the cell which contains the comment.
  2. Choose Edit Comment
  3. Click on the border of the comment, to select it.
  4. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Draw button
  5. Choose Change AutoShape, and choose a category.
  6. Click on a shape to select it.
  7. When finished, click outside the comment.

For MS-Office 2007/2010.

In Excel 2007, the Drawing Tools  Format tab doesn’t appear on the Ribbon when you select a comment, so the Change Shape command isn’t available. It’s still possible to change the comment’s shape, but it takes a bit more effort.

You can add the Change Shape command to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT):
  1. Right-click the QAT, and click Customize Quick Access Toolbar
  2. In the Choose commands from drop down list, click Drawing Tools | Format Tab
  3. In the list of commands, click Change Shape, and click Add.

Now you can change the Comment Shape

  1. Select the cell that contains the comment
  2. On the Ribbon, click the Review tab, and click Edit Comment
  3. Click the border of the comment, to select the shape.
  4. On the QAT. click Change Shape, and click on the shape that you want to use.

Copy/Move/Insert without cut and paste

How to do Copy/Move/Insert without Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V?

  • Select the range of cells to be copied, or moved, or inserted. 
  • Place the cursor on the heavy outline of this selected range, and the cursor changes into a 4-way arrow. 
  • Press and hold the left mouse button as you move the cursor to the location where you want to place the selected range. A gray outline around shows you the area to which the selected cells will be moved. 
  • Holding the Shift-key will move (i.e. cut and insert) the selected range without over-writing any cells in the paste location. 
  • Holding the Ctrl-key will create a copy of the selected range, leaving the original in place. 
  • Holding both Shift-key and Ctrl-key will insert a copy. 
This works on cells, rows, and columns (and sheets?) 
Try it... I think you'll like it. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

PDF: Portable Document Format

What is PDF and how to use it?
PDF =  Portable Document Format
PDF is a standard to share document files. As compared to word , or wordpad
or any other office documents , PDF has many many more benifits. 
Use of PDF or Portable Document Format:

• Share files with others who don't have the same software
• Share files with others who use a different platform like Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.
• Share files that will look the same (layout, fonts) as on multiple systems
• Share files that can be protected from unauthorized viewing, printing, copying, or editing
• Publish electronic documents, ebooks, etc.
• Print files to many different types of printers, and all look essentially the same
• Create files with annotations, hyperlinks, and bookmarks that can be shared via email and on the Web
• Create interactive forms that can be shared via email and the Web
• Create files that are more efficient than PostScript or native file formats typically used in commercial printing

To View Pdf Files you need a PDF Reader , If you don't have a Pdf Reader you can download it from the linkhttp://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html

Friday, March 4, 2011

Replace text into your .txt file with VBA

FielPath : Location of your Text file including file name. e.g.: c:\abc\abc.txt
oldStr : search string into the file 
newStr: replace the value with oldStr.

Sub TestReplaceTextInFile(filePath As String, oldStr As String, newStr As String)
    ReplaceTextInFile filePath, oldStr, newStr
End Sub

Sub ReplaceTextInFile(SourceFile As String, sText As String, rText As String)
    Dim TargetFile As String, tLine As String, tString As String
    Dim p As Integer, i As Long, F1 As Integer, F2 As Integer
        TargetFile = "RESULT.TMP"
        If Dir(SourceFile) = "" Then Exit Sub
        If Dir(TargetFile) <> "" Then
            On Error Resume Next
            Kill TargetFile
            On Error GoTo 0
            If Dir(TargetFile) <> "" Then
                MsgBox TargetFile & _
                    " already open, close and delete / rename the file and try again.", _
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        F1 = FreeFile
        Open SourceFile For Input As F1
        F2 = FreeFile
        Open TargetFile For Output As F2
        i = 1 ' line counter
        Application.StatusBar = "Reading data from " & _
            TargetFile & " ..."
        While Not EOF(F1)
            If i Mod 100 = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = _
                "Reading line #" & i & " in " & _
                TargetFile & " ..."
            Line Input #F1, tLine
            If sText <> "" Then
                ReplaceTextInString tLine, sText, rText
            End If
            Print #F2, tLine
            i = i + 1
        Application.StatusBar = "Closing files ..."
        Close F1
        Close F2
        Kill SourceFile ' delete original file
        Name TargetFile As SourceFile ' rename temporary file
        Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceTextInString(SourceString As String, _
        SearchString As String, ReplaceString As String)
    Dim p As Integer, NewString As String
            p = InStr(p + 1, UCase(SourceString), UCase(SearchString))
            If p > 0 Then ' replace SearchString with ReplaceString
                NewString = ""
                If p > 1 Then NewString = Mid(SourceString, 1, p - 1)
                NewString = NewString + ReplaceString
                NewString = NewString + Mid(SourceString, _
                    p + Len(SearchString), Len(SourceString))
                p = p + Len(ReplaceString) - 1
                SourceString = NewString
            End If
            If p >= Len(NewString) Then p = 0
        Loop Until p = 0
End Sub

Some funny JScripts

(1) Copy and paste the java script code to the address bar of your browser and Press Enter. Watch your window's "shaking it" !!!


(2) Float the Body of your webpage.

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("body");DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px"; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

(3) Start Editing any web Page... and have some Fun !!!

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void(0)