Friday, November 9, 2012

Ten Point Program for happy Family

1. Avoid the next quarrel: Never lose temper at the same time. Don't let the sun set on your quarrels (Never prolong fights if at all started). It is OK to say "I am sorry"

2. Do not expect perfection from your spouse: Marriage is coming together of two imperfect beings. Don't expect wife or husband to like this or that, accept them as they are.

3. Be a Good Listener: Think before speaking, it is a good idea to weigh before you speak. You are master of unspoken words but slave of spoken words. Better than listening from ear is listening through mind (with attention) and better than that is listening from heart.

4. Be a good forgiver: Some people forgive but they keep the memory alive or they forgive conditionally. Forgiveness should be complete and unconditional.

5. Grow in the spirit of humility: Be humble. Egos bring arrogance which divide and separate people.

6. Learn the art of appreciation: We all like to be appreciated. Always appreciate in front of others. Never criticize in a company of friends and relatives, you will get opportunities in privacy.

7. Do not argue: Winning love and friendship is far greater than winning an argument. It is OK to discuss with a open mind. Learn to win love and affection rather than arguments.

8. Develop healthy sense of humor: Learn to laugh and be cheerful. It is a great tonic for healthy living and being accepted by friends. It is important to laugh with others and NOT at others.

9. Always lend a helpful hand: You will win over if you have this attitude of offering a helpful hand with or without asking.

10. Bring GOD back into your home: This is one of the most important one. Have a common time for prayers. It brings families together. Families that pray together stays together.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Know you Mobile Number

You Buy a new SIM and don’t know what the number is? :(

Don’t Worry. You can get your number by yourself only… :)

Provider Company Dial Code
AIRTEL *121*9#
Vodafone *111*2#
AIRCEL *122*131#
BSNL 164
Reliance *1#
IDEA *1#
Virgin *1#
Uninor   *555#
MTS   51230

Print a List item in SharePoint 2010

How to print a single list item in SharePoint 2010

You may need to print a single list item in SharePoint 2010. However, this functionality does not exist unless you print with Excel, which isn't what you are looking for anyway.

Following way to print the list item steps, can be found in multiple blogs... ;)

So, how do we go about accomplishing this?

  1. Open a List
  2. Hit the List tab
  3. Click the Form Web Parts dropdownlist
  4. Choose “Default Display Form”
  5. At the top of the Page – Insert Tab, Click the Web Part button to add a new Content Editor web part (CEWP).
  6. From Categories choose “Media and Content” > “Content Editor” and add it to the main section of the page.
  7. Click the “Click here to add content” and then click the HTML button in the Ribbon to bring up the Edit source code window.
  8. In the window add the following code to display a Print Button at the top of the list item window. 


  • Ignore any warnings.
  • Next, hit the Page tab at the top of the page to view the List item. You should see the Print button.

  • Hit the Print button to print just the list item.

  • So there you go, with just a little tweaking you can print a single List item.

    Friday, October 26, 2012



    To configure Windows Firewall to allow non-secure FTP traffic, use the following steps:

    Open a command prompt: click Start, then All Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt.

    To open port 21 on the firewall, type the following syntax then hit enter:

    c:/> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP (non-SSL)" action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in localport=21

    To enable stateful FTP filtering that will dynamically open ports for data connections, type the following syntax then hit enter:

    c:/> netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp enable

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Something about Hyperlinks

    Hyperlinks can be categorized into six types:

    Relative link : A relative link connects web pages within the same web site to one another.

    Absolute link : An absolute link connects resources or web pages on different web sites - in other words, to external web sites. An absolute link references a linked document's entire URL.

    e-Mail Link : An email link creates an e-mail message using the user's default e-mail client. You can specify an e-mail address in the link so that the new e-mail message has this information already filled in. This is most common on Contact us pages, for instance the reader can click a staff member's name to generate an e-mail addressed to that person.

    Named anchor: You can create links to particular sections within the same web page or another webpage. this section to which the link jumps is called the named anchor, which is a bookmark within a page. The target section opens with the named anchor section at the top of the page.

    Null link : A null link is an undersigned link. you use null links to attach behaviors to objects or text on a page. For example. you can attach a behavior to a null link so that it will swap an image when the pointer moves over the link.

    Script links : Script links execute JavaScript code or call a JavaScript function and are useful for giving additional information about an item without leaving the current web page. you use script links to perform calculations, validate forms or do other processing tasks when a visitor clicks a specific item.

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    IPV4 and IPV6

    “IP” stands for the Internet Protocol which refers to the communicational protocol or a packet transfer procedure of the Internet.

    Every device which connects to the Internet uses a unique IP address which is an analogue of your home address. Pieces of data are transferred via the Internet from one machine to another, and they are called “packets”. The transfer of packets will be impossible if two machines communicating through the Internet did not have the IPs.

    IPv4 is an older version of an internet address procedure. Now there are no more free IPv4 addresses, all of them are already busy and soon new users will not be able to dive into the Web. That is why there appeared the necessity to have a new version of an internet address procedure.

    IPv6 provided us with free IPs for a thousand years ahead.
    The IPv4 supports a 32 bit address that’s why if we count we had 2^32 IP addresses. IPv6 uses 128 bit address allowing maximum 2^128 available IPs.

    Comparison table of an IPv4 and IPv6 features:


    Addresses are 32 bits (4 bytes) in length.Addresses are 128 bits (16 bytes) in length
    Address (A) resource records in DNS to map host names to IPv4 addresses.Address (AAAA) resource records in DNS to map host names to IPv6 addresses.
    Pointer (PTR)resource records in the IN-ADDR.ARPA DNS domain to map IPv4 addresses to host names. Pointer (PTR) resource records in the IP6.ARPA DNS domain to map IPv6 addresses to host names.
    IPSec is optional and should be supported externally IPSec support is not optional
    Header does not identify packet flow for QoS handling by routers Header contains Flow Label field, which Identifies packet flow for QoS handling by router.
    Both routers and the sending host fragment packets.Routers do not support packet fragmentation. Sending host fragments packets
    Header includes a checksum. Header does not include a checksum.
    Header includes options. Optional data is supported as extension headers.
    ARP uses broadcast ARP request to resolve IP to MAC/Hardware address. Multicast Neighbor Solicitation messages resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses.
    Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) manages membership in local subnet groups. Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) messages manage membership in local subnet groups.
    Broadcast addresses are used to send traffic to all nodes on a subnet. IPv6 uses a link-local scope all-nodes multicast address.
    Configured either manually or through DHCP. Does not require manual configuration or DHCP.
    Must support a 576-byte packet size (possibly fragmented). Must support a 1280-byte packet size (without fragmentation).

    Monday, June 18, 2012

    Undo Send

    Oops, hit "Send" too soon? Stop messages from being sent for a few seconds after hitting the send button.

    Here’s one to help avoid all those “Oops!” moments. Google, being the awesome bunch of coders that they are, allow you to call back emails which you have just sent.
    Steps to Undo the Message:

    1) Go to Settings
    2) Labs
    3) Enable "Undo Send" functionality.
    and done... :)

    Next time you send an email accidentally, just call it back by clicking on Undo.