Showing posts with label JQuery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JQuery. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

HTTP requests using the "When a HTTP request is received"

In Microsoft Power Automate, you can trigger flows based on HTTP requests using the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger. This allows you to create automated workflows that are triggered when an HTTP request is sent to a specified URL.

  • Sign in to Power Automate: Go to the Power Automate website ( and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  • Create a new flow: Click on the "My flows" tab and then click on "New" to create a new flow.
  • Select the trigger: In the search bar, type "HTTP" and select the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger from the list of triggers.
  • Configure the trigger: You will be prompted to specify a name for your trigger and define the schema for the HTTP request. You can define the schema manually or use the sample payload to generate the schema automatically.
  • Generate the URL: Once the trigger is configured, Power Automate will generate a unique URL for your flow. This URL is where you will send your HTTP requests to trigger the flow.
  • Build your flow: After setting up the trigger, you can add actions and conditions to your flow to define what should happen when the trigger is activated.
  • Test your flow: Before you start using your flow in production, it's a good idea to test it to make sure it's working as expected. You can do this by sending a test HTTP request to the URL generated by Power Automate.
  • Use the flow: Once you're satisfied with your flow, you can start using it in your applications or workflows by sending HTTP requests to the trigger URL.

Code in JQuery:

Thursday, November 30, 2023

ECMAScript 2023 Object.groupBy

ECMAScript 2023, the 14th edition of the language, has some great changes that will make your programming life easier.


Grouping object by key value using reduce()

Grouping objects by key-value

Thursday, November 23, 2023

 # A Complete Guide to Regular Expressions

Regular expressions, often referred to as regex or regexp, provide a powerful and flexible way to search, match, and manipulate text. They are widely used in programming, text processing, and data validation. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of regular expressions, including syntax, common patterns, and practical examples.

## Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Regular Expressions
  2. Basic Syntax and Matching
  3. Metacharacters
  4. Quantifiers
  5. Character Classes
  6. Anchors
  7. Grouping and Capturing
  8. Alternation
  9. Escape Characters
  10. Examples and Use Cases

### 1. Introduction to Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are patterns that describe sets of strings. They are used for pattern matching within strings. A regular expression is composed of ordinary characters and special characters called metacharacters.

### 2. Basic Syntax and Matching

- `.` (dot): Matches any single character except a newline.
- `^`: Anchors the regex at the start of a line.
- `$`: Anchors the regex at the end of a line.


This regex matches the string "Hello" only if it appears at the beginning of a line.

### 3. Metacharacters

- `*`: Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or group.
- `+`: Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding character or group.
- `?`: Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding character or group.


This regex matches one or more digits.

### 4. Quantifiers

- `{n}`: Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding character or group.
- `{n,}`: Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding character or group.
- `{n,m}`: Matches between n and m occurrences of the preceding character or group.


This regex matches word characters (alphanumeric + underscore) with a length between 3 and 6.

### 5. Character Classes

- `\d`: Matches any digit (0-9).
- `\w`: Matches any word character (alphanumeric + underscore).
- `\s`: Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline).


This regex matches an uppercase or lowercase letter followed by two digits.

### 6. Anchors

- `\b`: Word boundary.
- `\B`: Non-word boundary.
- `^` (caret) and `$` (dollar): Match the start and end of a line, respectively.


This regex matches the word "word" as a whole word.

### 7. Grouping and Capturing

- `()`: Groups characters together.
- `(?:)`: Non-capturing group.


This regex captures a three-digit group, a hyphen, and a two-digit group.

### 8. Alternation

- `|`: Acts like a logical OR.


This regex matches either "cat" or "dog".

### 9. Escape Characters

- `\`: Escapes a metacharacter, treating it as a literal character.


This regex matches a digit followed by a literal dot and another digit.

### 10. Examples and Use Cases

- Email Validation:

- URL Matching:

- Phone Number Matching:

- Extracting Date from Text:

- HTML Tag Matching:

Remember that while regular expressions are powerful, they can be complex. It's essential to test and validate them thoroughly.

This guide provides a foundation for understanding regular expressions, but there is much more to explore. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering this powerful tool.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Get HTML table column values in array using map ()

Developers often find themselves needing to validate HTML table columns values, occasionally getting stuck in loops. Here's a straightforward solution: use the map() function to easily retrieve the values in an array.

SrNo Name City
1 Rakesh Vadodara
2 Anil Ahmedabad
3 Sunil Anand
4 Bharat Udaipur

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Some Useful APIs

Sharing some valuable APIs that have been instrumental in my projects on this blog for your reference.

(1) LocalStorage API

It lets you store data against the website address in the form of key/value pairs. Local storage is limited to 5 MB.

(2) Clipboard API

This API provides access to the operating system's clipboard. You can use it to build a copy button to copy/paste content.

(3) Geolocation API

This API provides the user's geographical latitudes and longitudes and the accuracy to which it is correct.

(4) History API

This API lets you go back and forth between web pages that are in your session history.

(5) Fetch API

It is a browser API that lets you call REST APIs or GraphQL APIs.

Note: Content published here is sourced from social platforms, and full credit goes to the original author.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Extract data from HTML table in an array using jQuery.

Individuals encounter challenges working with data in HTML when attempting to integrate it into their code. The following presents a straightforward method for extracting data from an HTML table and storing it in an array.


Friday, July 21, 2023

Clone columns of the table using jQuery

Following is the example where you can clone required columns and sequence from the source table to the new table

Monday, July 10, 2023

Read File Content from SharePoint List Items

Working function, where you can read file content available as an attachment in your SharePoint list item.
#sharepoint #jquery #sharepointsolutions


Monday, April 3, 2023

Get week number of month from Date

People struggle a lot when it needs to get a week from a date, here below is a simple example to get the week number of the month from a Date.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Javascript Tips and Best Practices

1. Check property exists in an object

The in operator returns the boolean value true/false.
The in operator returns true if a property exists in the object or its prototype chain.

2. String to a number using the plus (+) operator

The unary plus operator (+) is the fastest and preferred way of converting something into a number.

3. Mask numbers using slice and padStart

The slice() method returns selected elements in an array, as a new array. Negative numbers select from the end of the array.
The padStart() method pads the current string with another string until the resulting string reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of the current string.

4. Swap two variables

Use destructuring assignment approach because it is short and expressive. Swapping is performed in just one line statement. It works with any data type like numbers, strings, booleans, or objects.

5. Check every element of the array using Array.every

The Array every() method checks whether all the array elements pass the test implemented by the provided function.
It returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
It returns false if the function returns false for one element. When every() finds a false result, it will stop the loop and continue no more which improves the performance. The every() method does not change the original array.

6. Use of nullish coalescing operator with numbers

I have use lot of time || operator for the logical disjunction, but it ends when value is 0 in the variable. So found better way to handle this.

A Nullish value is a value that is either null or undefined.
The Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) is a logical operator that accepts two values and returns the second value if the first one is null or undefined and otherwise returns the first value.

7. Filter Array with only values

Many times we have an issue with array to have empty values and need to handle we write extra code. To avoid it just you have to use filter().

Pass the Boolean to Array.filter as the first argument.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Retrieve more than 5000 items from SharePoint List

I actually have struggled with masses even as my list is getting large and want to retrieve the rows more than 5K. Here I located the answer is to apply the Recursive call to retrieve more than 5K items.

Here we're doing the recursive call to the GetListItems() function. This will fetch information withinside the bunch of a thousand objects and concatenate it to the response variable.

Here data.d.__next includes the URL to get the next set of items. In case we don’t have more items left to fetch, it'll not call GetListItems() function.

Hope many of us will find this helpful.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Export HTML table to Excel

Code that will export html table to excel

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Convert Number, String, Float and Format JSON

 1) Convert to String

To quickly convert a number to a string, we can use the concatenation operator (+) plus followed by an empty set of quotation marks "" .

let val = 1 + "";
console.log(val); // Result: "1"
console.log(typeof val); // Result: "string"

2) Convert to Number

The opposite can be quickly achieved using the addition operator + .

let int = "15";
int = +int;
console.log(int); // Result: 15
console.log(typeof int); Result: "number"

This may also be used to convert Booleans to numbers, as below:

console.log(+true);  // Return: 1
console.log(+false); // Return: 0

3)Quick Float to Integer

If you want to convert a float to an integer, you can use Math.floor() , Math.ceil() or Math.round() . But there is also a faster way to truncate a float to an integer using |, the bitwise OR operator.

console.log(23.9 | 0);  // Result: 23
console.log(-23.9 | 0); // Result: -23

4)Format JSON Code

Lastly, you may have used JSON.stringify before, but did you realise it can also help indent your JSON for you?
The stringify() method takes two optional parameters: a replacer function, which you can use to filter the JSON that is displayed, and a space value.
The space value takes an integer for the number of spaces you want or a string (such as '\t' to insert tabs), and it can make it a lot easier to read fetched JSON data.

console.log(JSON.stringify({ alpha: 'A', beta: 'B' }, null, '\t'));
// Result:
// '{
//     "alpha": A,
//     "beta": B
// }'

Monday, December 13, 2021

Get Query Params

window.location object has a bunch of utility methods and properties. We can get information about the protocol, host, port, domain, etc from the browser URLs using these properties and methods. 

var args =
let data = new URLSearchParams('reqId');

Few Javascript or JQuery Tricks for array and operators

 1) Empty an array

var arr = [10 , 20 , 30 ];
arr.length = 0; // arr will be equal to [].

2) Truncate an array using length

Like the previous example of emptying an array, we truncate it using the length property.

var arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90];
arr.length = 4; // arr will be equal to [10, 20, 30, 40].

As a bonus, if you set the array length to a higher value, the length will be changed and new items will be added with undefined as a value. The array length is not a read only property.

arr.length = 10; // the new array length is 10
arr[arr.length - 1] ; // arr [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, undefined];

3)Use logical AND/ OR for conditions

var foo = 10;
foo == 10 && doSomething(); // is the same thing as if (foo == 10) doSomething();
foo == 5 || doSomething(); // is the same thing as if (foo != 5) doSomething();

4) Comma operator

var a = 10;
var b = ( a++, 99 );
console.log(a);  // a will be equal to 10
console.log(b);  // b is equal to 99

5) Swap variables

let v1 = 'value 1';
let v2 = 'value 2';

[v1,v2] = [v2, v1];
console.log(v1, v2);

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Calculate date difference using JQuery

Simple way to get days between 2 dates...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Cheat Sheet - CSS, JQuery Selectors and Filters

* All elements.
element Basic selector defined by the elements name. IE – the <p> tag.
.class Elements specified by a specific class attribute.
#id Elements specified by the specific ID number.
selector1, selector2 Elements that match more than one selector.
:first First element from the selection.
:last Last element from the selection.
:even Even index selection.
:odd Odd index selection.
:not(selector) Everything except the selector in parentheses.
:eq() Elements with an index number equal to the parameter.
:gt() Elements with an index number greater than the parameter.
:lt() Elements with an index number less than the parameter.
:header All h1 – h6 HTML tags.
:animated Any element being animated.
:focus The element which has focus (an input item such as a field, checkbox, button, or link).
:empty Elements with no children.
:parent Elements that have a child node.
:has(selector) Elements contain atleast one of the elements that match the selector in parentheses.
:contains(‘text’) Elements that contain the specified text in parentheses.
:hidden Elements that are hidden.
:visible Elements that exist and take up space in the layout of the page.
:nth-child(exp) Elements that match the mathematical pattern. IE –  div :nth-child(2+1)
:first-child First child from the current selection.
:last-child Last child from the current selection.
:only-child The only existing child of the matching element.
[attribute] Elements that have the specified attribute value – IE – [name^ = “value”]
:input Elements with input.
:text Elements with text.
:password Elements with password inputs.
:radio Elements with radio buttons.
:checkbox Elements with checkboxes.
:submit Elements with submit buttons.
:image Elements with images.
:reset Elements with reset buttons.
:button All buttons.
:file Elements with file inputs.
:selected All items from drop-down lists.
:enabled All enables elements, including defaults.
:disabled All disables elements.
:checked All checked checkboxes or radio buttons.

If there’s anything that I’ve missed or more explanation that you’d like to see, feel free to leave a comment.

Help other's to help yourself !!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Export HTML table to Excel file

<!-- -->

<script src=""></script>

function exportReportToExcel(c) {

  let table = $("#feedbackExport2Excel"); // you can use document.getElementById('tableId') as well by providing id to the table tag

  let fileName = "Feedback";

  TableToExcel.convert(table[0], { // html code may contain multiple tables so here we are refering to 1st table tag

    name: `${fileName}.xlsx`, // fileName you could use any name

    sheet: {

      name: 'Sheet 1' // sheetName




Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Simple way to find Index value from JSON Array

Simple way to find Index value from JSON Array 

var data = [{"name":"placeHolder","section":"right"},{"name":"Overview","section":"left"},{"name":"ByFunction","section":"left"},{"name":"Time","section":"left"},{"name":"allFit","section":"left"},{"name":"allbMatches","section":"left"},{"name":"allOffers","section":"left"},{"name":"allInterests","section":"left"},{"name":"allResponses","section":"left"},{"name":"divChanged","section":"right"}];

var index = data.findIndex(obj =>"allInterests");
