Thursday, August 6, 2020

Replacing SharePoint Designer with VS Code

“Replacing SharePoint Designer with VS Code”

- install VS Code
- Add extension SPGO to your VS Code
- Execute following 2 thing
------ Connect to workspace
Press F1 : write > SPGO Configuration Workspace
put the URL and some relevant default inputs

-- new SPGO.json file will be created something like:

  "sourceDirectory": "src",
  "sharePointSiteUrl": "",
  "workspaceRoot": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget",
  "publishWorkspaceOptions": {
    "destinationFolder": "/",
    "globPattern": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget\\src\\**\\*.*",
    "localRoot": "f:\\SPApps\\itBudget\\src"
  "publishingScope": "SaveOnly",
  "authenticationType": "Digest",
  "remoteFolders": ["/SiteAssets/Custom/js", "/Pages", "/SitePages"]

In case if SiteAssets folder is not getting downloaded, try to add the pattern "/SiteAssets/**/*"

Press F1 again: write > SPGO Populate local workspace
enter : registered EMail and Password.

Source found at following URLs

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Unable to open SharePoint Designer Site

Unable to open SharePoint Designer Site

Remove all the content from following folders to avoid issue
  • %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
  • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
  • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
  • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer