Monday, October 8, 2012

Something about Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks can be categorized into six types:

Relative link : A relative link connects web pages within the same web site to one another.

Absolute link : An absolute link connects resources or web pages on different web sites - in other words, to external web sites. An absolute link references a linked document's entire URL.

e-Mail Link : An email link creates an e-mail message using the user's default e-mail client. You can specify an e-mail address in the link so that the new e-mail message has this information already filled in. This is most common on Contact us pages, for instance the reader can click a staff member's name to generate an e-mail addressed to that person.

Named anchor: You can create links to particular sections within the same web page or another webpage. this section to which the link jumps is called the named anchor, which is a bookmark within a page. The target section opens with the named anchor section at the top of the page.

Null link : A null link is an undersigned link. you use null links to attach behaviors to objects or text on a page. For example. you can attach a behavior to a null link so that it will swap an image when the pointer moves over the link.

Script links : Script links execute JavaScript code or call a JavaScript function and are useful for giving additional information about an item without leaving the current web page. you use script links to perform calculations, validate forms or do other processing tasks when a visitor clicks a specific item.

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