Saturday, January 9, 2016

Photoshop Effect and it's Shortcuts

Photoshop EffectMac ShortcutWindows Shortcut
New layer via cutCmd+Shift+JCtrl+Shift+J
Increase or decrease size of selected text by 10ptsCmd+Option+Shift->/<Ctrl+Alt+Shift+>/<
Hue or SaturationCmd+UCtrl+U
Select all layersCmd+Opt+ACtrl+Alt+A
Flatten layersCmd+Alt+Shift+ECtrl+Alt+Shift+E
Free TransformCmd+TCmd+T
Content Aware MoveShift+JShift+J
Black and white dialog boxShift+Cmd+Alt+BShift+Ctrl+Alt+B
Zoom inCmd+plus(+)Ctrl+plus(+)
Select bottom layerOpt+Comma(,)Alt+Comma(,)
Blending modesShift+plus(+) or minus(-)Shift+plus(+) or minus(-)
Deselect all but the intersected areaShift+Opt+dragShift+Alt+drag
Increase or decrease kerning or trackingOption+Right/Left ArrowAlt+Right/Left Arrow
Invert selectionCmd+Shift+ICtrl+Shift+I
New layer via copyCmd+JCtrl+J
Select a colour from an imageOpt+Brush ToolAlt+Brush Tool
First or last brush</></>
Show or Hide selection on selected typeCtrl+HCtrl+H
Copy multiple layersShift+Cmd+CShift+Ctrl+C
Close & go to bridgeCmd+Shift+WCtrl+Shift+W
Change image sizeCmd+Opt+iCtrl+Alt+i
Deselect from the selection areaOpt+dragAlt+drag
Toggle airbrush optionShift+Alt+PShift+Alt+P
Deselect the entire imageCmd+DCtrl+D
Create clipping maskCmd+Opt+GCtrl+Alt+G
Auto ToneShift+Cmd+LShift+Ctrl+L
Saving and closingCmd+Shift+Opt+SCtrl+Shift+Alt+S
Show or Hide PolygonsOpt+Cmd+XOpt+Ctrl+X
Color BalanceCmd+BCtrl+B
Reveal AllOpt+Shift+Cmd+XOpt+Shift+Ctrl+X
Move a selectionSpacebar+Marquee ToolSpacebar+Marquee Tool
Zoom outCmd+Minus(-)Ctrl+Minus(-)
Align text left or center or rightCmd-Shift-L/C/RCtrl+Shift+L/C/R
Previous or next brush,/.,/.
Lens correctionShift+Cmd+RShift+Ctrl+R
Select individual channelsCmd+3(red),4(green),5(blue)Ctrl+3(red),4(green),5(blue)
Send layer backCmd+[Ctrl+[
Bring layer to top of stackCmd+Shift+]Ctrl+Shift+]
Text in PhotoshopCmd+Shift+>/<Ctrl+Shift+>/<
Increase or decrease brush size]/[]/[
Send layer to bottom of stackCmd+Shift+[Ctrl+Shift+[
Bring layer forwardCmd+]Ctrl+]
Fit on screenCmd+0Ctrl+0
Camera Raw FilterShift+Cmd+AShift+Ctrl+A
Merge visible LayersCmd+Shift+ECtrl+Shift+E
Content aware scaleCmd+Shift+Opt+CCtrl+Shift+Alt+C
Increase or decrease brush hardness}/{}/{
Select top layerOpt+Period(.)Alt+Period(.)
Find the sizing handlesCmd+T, Cmd+0Ctrl+T, then Ctrl+0
Adaptive Wide AngleOpt+Shift+Cmd+AOpt+Shift+Ctrl+A

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