Friday, November 27, 2015

Your Presentation : Identifying Purpose and Audience

Fill out the below blank information against the question, and you will see how helpful it is before you present your Presentation.

Identifying your purpose and objectives:

  1. The overall purpose of my presentation is to : ______
  2. Through my presentation, I want to achieve these objectives: ________
  3. The intended outcome I am seeking is:  ________
Consider your audience:
  1. Why will they be listening to my presentation? _________
  2. What can I expect the audience to already know ? ____________
  3. What are my audience's values? (What is important to them?) ____________
  4. What perspectives do they share? ___________
  5. What do they believe is vital to their success?____________
  6. What motivates them?____________
  7. What are their core desires?____________
  8. What obstacles do they face?____________
  9. What hidden agendas and barriers might exist in this group?____________
  10. What objections might they have to my topic?____________
  11. What else do I know about my audience? (demographics, special circumstances, etc.)____________

I have apply this questionnaire before any presentation and found it help me every-time, hope this will help you too readers. Content were refereed from one of the training I attended for Presentation skills.

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