Tuesday, April 21, 2015

InfoPath - Clear cache form in local system

When loading an InfoPath form from an intranet/Sharepoint etc, the form template is downloaded and cached locally. Sometimes after the template has been upgraded on the server the local client doesn’t always get the upgraded form template but uses the local cached copy instead.

You can rectify this by clearing the local cache by following methods

Method 1

  1. Start -> Run;
  2. Infopath /cache clearall

Method 2

Dim wshShell
Dim sRun, sParam, sMsg

/* modify the path of Infopath.exe if required*/

sParam = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\INFOPATH.EXE /cache clearall"

Set wshShell = Createobject("WScript.Shell")

wshShell.Exec sParam

Set wshShell = Nothing


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