Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Cheat Sheet - CSS, JQuery Selectors and Filters

* All elements.
element Basic selector defined by the elements name. IE – the <p> tag.
.class Elements specified by a specific class attribute.
#id Elements specified by the specific ID number.
selector1, selector2 Elements that match more than one selector.
:first First element from the selection.
:last Last element from the selection.
:even Even index selection.
:odd Odd index selection.
:not(selector) Everything except the selector in parentheses.
:eq() Elements with an index number equal to the parameter.
:gt() Elements with an index number greater than the parameter.
:lt() Elements with an index number less than the parameter.
:header All h1 – h6 HTML tags.
:animated Any element being animated.
:focus The element which has focus (an input item such as a field, checkbox, button, or link).
:empty Elements with no children.
:parent Elements that have a child node.
:has(selector) Elements contain atleast one of the elements that match the selector in parentheses.
:contains(‘text’) Elements that contain the specified text in parentheses.
:hidden Elements that are hidden.
:visible Elements that exist and take up space in the layout of the page.
:nth-child(exp) Elements that match the mathematical pattern. IE –  div :nth-child(2+1)
:first-child First child from the current selection.
:last-child Last child from the current selection.
:only-child The only existing child of the matching element.
[attribute] Elements that have the specified attribute value – IE – [name^ = “value”]
:input Elements with input.
:text Elements with text.
:password Elements with password inputs.
:radio Elements with radio buttons.
:checkbox Elements with checkboxes.
:submit Elements with submit buttons.
:image Elements with images.
:reset Elements with reset buttons.
:button All buttons.
:file Elements with file inputs.
:selected All items from drop-down lists.
:enabled All enables elements, including defaults.
:disabled All disables elements.
:checked All checked checkboxes or radio buttons.

If there’s anything that I’ve missed or more explanation that you’d like to see, feel free to leave a comment.

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