Saturday, May 28, 2016


1)GOOGLE: global organization of oriented group language of earth.. 
2)YAHOO: yet another hierarchical officious oracle..
3)WINDOW: Wide interactive network development for office work solution
4)COMPUTER: Communication oriented machine purposely utilized technical educational research a scholarly article.
5)VIRUS: virtually infected reputed utilized software
6)UMTS: universal mobile telecommunication system
7)AMOLED: active matrix organic emitting diode. 
8)OLED: organic light emitting diode.
9)IMEI: international mobile equipment identity. 
10)ESN: electronic serial number. 
11)UPS: uninterruptiblepower supply. 
12)HDMI: high definition multimedia interface. 
13)VPN: virtual private network. 
14)APN: access point name. 
15)SIM: subscriber identity module. 
16)LED: light emitting diode.
17)DLNA: digital line network access. 
18)RAM: random access memory. 
19)ROM: read only memory. 
20)VGA: video graphic array. 
21)QVGA: quarter video graphic array. 
22)WVGA: wide video graphic array. 
23)WXGA: wide extended graphic array. 
24)USB: universal service bus. 
25)WLAN: wireless local area network. 
26)PPI: pixel per inch. 
27)LCD: liquid crystal display. 
28)HSDPA: high speed downlink packet access. 
29)HSUPA: high speed upload packet access. 
30)HSPA: high speed packet access. 
31)GPRS: general packet radio service 
32)EDGE: enhancement data rate for global evolution. 
33)NFC: near field communication. 
34)OTG: on-the-go 
35)S-LCD: super clear liquid display.
36)O.S: operating system. 
37)SNS: social networking sites 
39)P.O.I: point of interest 
40)GPS: global position system 
41)DVD: digital video disc 
42)DTP: desk top publishing. 
43)DNSE: digital natural sound engine. 
44)OVI: Ohio video intranet. 
45)CDMA: code division multiple access. 
46)WCDMA: wide-band code division multiple access. 
47)GSM: global system for mobile communication.
48)WI-FI: wireless fidelity 
49)DIVX: digital internet video access. 
50)APK: authenticated public key. 
51)J2ME: java 2 micro edition 
52)SIS: symbian installation source. 
53)DELL: digital electronic link library. 
54)ACER: acquisition collaboration experimentation reflection. 
55)RSS: really simple syndication 
56)TFT: thin film transistor 
57)AMR: adaptive multi rate 
58)MPEG: moving pictures experts group 
59)IVRS: interactive voice response system.
60)HP: Hewlett-Packard

1 comment:

  1. VIRUS vital information resource
    under seize


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