Thursday, December 31, 2015

Technical skills you must know !!

In today's evolving world, it is crucial to stay up-to-date about latest industry developments and trends. Skills that were crucial for a role five years ago are obsolete today. In the intervening period, skill set requirements have developed and evolved. With businesses increasingly relying on the latest technologies and adopting innovative solutions, professionals who keep re-skilling themselves move ahead in their careers.

With 2016 a week away, Simplilearn has identified a list of must-have tech skills for professionals that will gain momentum in 2016

Technical Skills


Coding is an important tech skill to possess in the Information Age. Whether it's very rudimentary understanding of HTML or in-depth knowledge of application development such as Java; having skills in coding is better than having none at all.

Big Data:

With the arrival of the Internet of Things and the mounds of data being collected, understanding the science behind big data has become essential. Knowing how to handle the data and what to do with it is important. Right from apps to refrigerators, everything would be bound in an IoT-enabled ecosystem, and attaining skills in the Big Data domain can come in handy.

Cloud computing:

More and more organizations are adopting cloud-based solutions, and it's quickly becoming the new norm. Thus, possessing skills in cloud computing will give candidates the upper hand.

Data visualization:

Data is being produced at an astonishingly high-rate on mobile applications and websites. Presenting this data in visual form so as to deliver actionable insights is a skill that is going to be in high demand for the foreseeable future.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing seems to be one of the most sought after skills in 2015 and promises to offer exceptional career growth in 2016 as well. With the affordability factor and its wide reach, Digital marketing has been consistently gaining momentum across all the verticals. The benefit of applying digital marketing is the transparency it provides through instant and measurable outcomes for businesses and individuals.

Web Development:

It is vital to possess the ability to develop for the web and work with technologies such as PHP, AJAX, HTML5, Python, CSS, and Java.

Mobile Development:

With over 200 billion mobile app downloads expected by 2017, the revenue from apps is expected to rise to over $64 billion by 2017. As a result, the need for skilled mobile specialists who can optimize websites for mobile-viewing and develop mobile applications has seen a steep rise.

In addition to the most sought after tech skills for 2016, professional certifications are set to dominate the professional learning landscape. Some of the recommended tech certifications are TOGAF- certified Enterprise Architects will remain among the highest-paid professionals in industry, making over $124,000 on average compared to their non-certified peers.

Scrum Master: 

According to, a CSM® professional has a median salary of $112,000 a year. Also, a Certified ScrumMaster® earns 3% more than a ScrumMaster.


IT professionals with the CISSP certification tend to earn $21,000 more compared to IT professionals without CISSP certification.


According to PMI, Project Management is among the top skillsets in demand by organizations across the globe. It is estimated that one-fifth of the world's total GDP-which is nearly 12 trillion-is spent on projects. This creates a huge demand for knowledgeable and skilled project managers. The median salary for a PMP is $109,405.


According to, the average salary of an ITIL® certified professional is $95,000.

Data Scientist: 

The median salary for a data scientist is about $95,000 per annum.

Digital Marketing Certification: The certification is a stamp of approval for domain knowledge in the field of online marketing. This enhances the job prospects of individuals enabling them to gain entry in various Fortune 500 and E commerce companies like Amazon and Ebay. A survey conducted on reported that the global average salary of online marketers is $65,766 and entry-level salaries start at around $35,000. The average salary for online marketers in the United States is $86,253.


According to, a Certified Ethical Hacker draws an average annual salary of $68,314.

The Bottom Line

Technology seems to be a change agent for transforming various aspects of life. Learning continuously will be the most effective medium of gaining knowledge.

Corporate appreciate employees who are willing to learn and lead the way ahead. Gone are those days where professionals stay with an organization for more than a decade. Even in one company, one cannot expect to stay on with the same skill sets for more than a couple of years. Improvisation has been the buzz word among corporate. Today's world seem to value knowledge over experience. Certification is the only desired way to gather knowledge and prove ones efficiency.

(The article has been contributed by

Friday, November 27, 2015

Your Presentation : Identifying Purpose and Audience

Fill out the below blank information against the question, and you will see how helpful it is before you present your Presentation.

Identifying your purpose and objectives:

  1. The overall purpose of my presentation is to : ______
  2. Through my presentation, I want to achieve these objectives: ________
  3. The intended outcome I am seeking is:  ________
Consider your audience:
  1. Why will they be listening to my presentation? _________
  2. What can I expect the audience to already know ? ____________
  3. What are my audience's values? (What is important to them?) ____________
  4. What perspectives do they share? ___________
  5. What do they believe is vital to their success?____________
  6. What motivates them?____________
  7. What are their core desires?____________
  8. What obstacles do they face?____________
  9. What hidden agendas and barriers might exist in this group?____________
  10. What objections might they have to my topic?____________
  11. What else do I know about my audience? (demographics, special circumstances, etc.)____________

I have apply this questionnaire before any presentation and found it help me every-time, hope this will help you too readers. Content were refereed from one of the training I attended for Presentation skills.

Find your WiFi Password in Windows Using Command Prompt

  • First open the Command Prompt on your Windows PC by typing cmd in the Start Menu.
  • Now select Run as administrator by right-clicking on it.
  • Once Command Prompt is opened, you need to type the following command in it and hit enter.

(Replace MyWifi with your WiFi network name)
C:\> netsh wlan show profile name=MyWifi key=clear

  • After hitting Enter, you will see all the details including your wifi password as key content.

  • In case you want a list of your previous WiFi connections, type this command:

C:\>netsh wlan show profiles

This will show all the profiles have got connected in you system

Reference: Link

Thursday, November 26, 2015

What is CLR, CTS, CLS in .NET ?

A Brief Introduction To IL code, CLR, CTS, CLS and JIT In .NET

Before explaining these terminologies, I would like to explain how .NET code gets compiled. The developer writes source code in any .NET language i.e. it may VB.NET or C# or VC+++.NET, etc. The source code is compiled to Intermediate code known as IL code by the respective compilers for example for C# it is csc.exe compiler, for VB.NET it is vbc.exe compiler, etc. This half compiled code is then given to JIT(just in time compiler) by CLR which converts IL code to machine specific instructions which then gets executed. In this way a .NET code gets compiled. For better understanding have a look to following diagram :
Now we ll have a close look to above terminologies one by one. We will start from IL code.
  • IL Code : The word IL Code stands for Intermediate Language Code. It is a CPU independent partially compiled code. When we develop our .NET  application, we don’t know in what kind of environment our code will run i.e. on which operating system it will be finally hosted, what will be the CPU configuration, etc. So for this purpose we have IL code which is compiled according to machine configuration. IL code is given by Language compiler which is different for different languages for example csc.exe compiler for C#, vbc.exe compiler for VB.NET, etc.
  • CLR : CLR stands for Common Language Runtime. It is the heart of our .NET Framework. CLR performs following tasks :
  1. Garbage Collection : When we run our .NET application, many objects are created. Garbage collection is a background process which deletes the objects which are not in use by the application and frees memory.
  2. Code Access Security(CAS) and Code Verification(CV) : CLR checks the whether the code has access rights and it is safe and authenticated to be used.
  3. IL to Native Translation : The main task of CLR is to provide IL code to JIT to ensure that code is fully compiled as per machine specification.
  • CTS : CTS stands for Common Types System. In .NET we have various languages like C#, VB.NET, etc. There may be many situations where we want code written in one language to be used in another. In order to ensure that we have a smooth communication between different languages, we have CTS. CTS ensures that datatypes defined in two different languages get compiled to a common data type so that code written in one language can be used by another.
  • CLS : CLS stands for Common Language Specifications. It is a subset of CTS. CLS is a set of rules or guidelines which if followed ensures that code written in one .NET language can be used by another .NET language. For example one rule is that we cannot have member functions with same name with case difference only i.e we should not have add() and Add(). This may work in C# because it is case-sensitive but if try to use that C# code in VB.NET, it is not possible because VB.NET is not case-sensitive.
  • JIT : JIT stands for Just In Timer Compiler. It is the internal compiler of .NET which takes IL code from CLR and executes it to machine specific instructions.

Reference from : Link

Thursday, November 19, 2015


1) Sorry, I am late!
Firstly, do not reach late for the interview. If you do, do not let your interviewer get to know about it. 'Sorry I am late' is the worst sentence you can begin your interview with, as it goes without saying that punctuality is the key. Do not give a bad image of yourself by saying this and letting him/her know.

2) Do not lie
Do not lie about anything as if you get caught you are left nowhere. Even if you do not get caught the very moment, it may backfire in the future. So always try to be honest in everything you are being asked.

3) I hate my ex-boss
Never make the mistake of saying anything bad about your ex-colleagues or ex-boss or your job. It gives a poor image of you and you look like a complainer. You can always talk about the challenges you faced but the focus should be on the positive aspects of it.

4) What I like about you
No matter how much you like the interviewers watch, shirt, glasses or whatever, never start complimenting him/her on the first go. It looks like you are flattering them in order to get the job. Do not make the situation awkward and avoid complimenting him/her.

5) Do not threaten
When asked the question 'where do you see yourself in the next five years?' do not answer by saying working in the same company at your position. Do not threaten the interviewer on his position. Just say I want to see myself growing and learning a lot from the experience I will gain from this job which will help me reach higher in future.

6) I don't have any questions
When the interviewer asks you if you have any questions, do not reply with 'no I don't'. Always make sure you clarify all the doubts you have by asking. Do not keep questions in your head and stay quiet. Try and make the interview interactive and not one-sided.

7) I want a job... any job
Do not show your desperation for a job. Relate your interests and your strengths with the job profile you are applying for. Tell them what makes you interested for the job. Do not make them feel that you applied for the profile only because that's what you were getting.

8) My weakness is...
On being asked your weaknesses, do not start telling them a list of your weaknesses. Tell them about one weakness which is not related to the job and twist it in such a way that it turns out to be your strength. Tell them about a weakness and let them know how you worked on it and now it's no more a weakness.

9) Do not ask unreasonable questions
Just in order to make the interview interactive, do not start asking unreasonable questions like what perks will you get? How often do you guys give promotions? How much will be my salary? How much vacation time do I get? These questions are not supposed to be put up so early. Give a break to your level of curiosity.

10) I want to start my own business soon:
Do not make the mistake of being frank as well. Do not share all your plans with the interviewer. Do not start telling them everything when you come in the flow of talking. Make sure you tell them what they want to hear. Tell them you want to gain experience but not why you want to gain experience. Keep a control on your tongue!

Reference: Jobbuzz

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What's the difference between Core i3, i5 and i7 processors?

Confused about which Intel processor you need? Click below link to explore the differences between the Core i3, i5 and i7 range !!

Reference Link

Monday, October 5, 2015

Faster Shutdown your PC

The shutdown process in Windows operating system requires three clicks and a menu. Here’s how you can make the shutdown process faster.

All you need to do is right-click on any open space on the desktop, then click New > Shortcut. A Location field will appear on the screen. Paste the following in the location field:

%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /s /t 0

Then, click on Next and complete the shortcut setup.

 /l         Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.
 /s         Shutdown the computer.
 /r         Shutdown and restart the computer.

 /t xx    Is the timer parameter followed by numeric value as second

For more help you can go to command prompt and type "shutdown /?"

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Calculate Experience in Year and Month

Mostly I get question from friends about calculating Date difference for calculating there job experience. So decided to show how you can get it.

Below is the simple example for this:

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Black screen after latest win 8.1 updates

1) sfc /scannow
2) dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

to see if there is any corruption.

If none, then try updating after disabling all non-windows services and all startup programs listed by Task Manager (reboot after disabling and then update).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Difference between SQL and NOSQL Databases.

SQL databases are like automatic transmission and NoSQL databases are like manual transmission. Once you switch to NoSQL, you become responsible for a lot of work that the system takes care of automatically in a relational database system. Similar to what happens when you pick manual over automatic transmission. Secondly, NoSQL allows you to eke more performance out of the system by eliminating a lot of integrity checks done by relational databases from the database tier. Again, this is similar to how you can get more performance out of your car by driving a manual transmission versus an automatic transmission vehicle.

However the most notable similarity is that just like most of us can’t really take advantage of the benefits of a manual transmission vehicle because the majority of our driving is sitting in traffic on the way to and from work, there is a similar harsh reality in that most sites aren’t at Google or Facebook’s scale and thus have no need for a Bigtable or Cassandra.

These are some points which gives us some difference between SQL and NOSQL Databases.

  • SQL databases are primarily called as Relational Databases (RDBMS); whereas NoSQL database are primarily called as non-relational or distributed database.
  • SQL databases have predefined schema whereas NoSQL databases have dynamic schema for unstructured data.
  • SQL databases are vertically scalable whereas the NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable. SQL databases are scaled by increasing the horse-power of the hardware.
  • In case of scalability: In most typical situations, SQL databases are vertically scalable. You can manage increasing load by increasing the CPU, RAM, SSD, etc, on a single server. On the other hand, NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable. You can just add few more servers easily in your NoSQL database infrastructure to handle the large traffic.
  • For complex queries: SQL databases are good fit for the complex query intensive environment whereas NoSQL databases are not good fit for complex queries. On a high-level, NoSQL don’t have standard interfaces to perform complex queries, and the queries themselves in NoSQL are not as powerful as SQL query language.

Reference from : link

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Merge all worksheets of active workbook into one worksheet with VBA code

VBA Code to merge excel worksheets:
1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys, and it opens the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A1")
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Select
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

(1) Your data must start from A1, if not, the code will not take effect.
(2) Your data must have the same structure.
(3) This code only can combine all worksheets of the active workbook, if you want to merge worksheets from multiple workbooks, this code will not work.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

InfoPath - Clear cache form in local system

When loading an InfoPath form from an intranet/Sharepoint etc, the form template is downloaded and cached locally. Sometimes after the template has been upgraded on the server the local client doesn’t always get the upgraded form template but uses the local cached copy instead.

You can rectify this by clearing the local cache by following methods

Method 1

  1. Start -> Run;
  2. Infopath /cache clearall

Method 2

Dim wshShell
Dim sRun, sParam, sMsg

/* modify the path of Infopath.exe if required*/

sParam = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\INFOPATH.EXE /cache clearall"

Set wshShell = Createobject("WScript.Shell")

wshShell.Exec sParam

Set wshShell = Nothing


Friday, March 13, 2015

Download copy of your facebook data

Interesting thing found about download FACEBOOK data, as of feature available on FACEBOOK.

You can download your information from your settings. To download your information:

  • Click  at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings
  • Click Download a copy of your Facebook data below your General Account Settings
  • Click Start My Archive
For further assistance you can visit FACEBOOK help center page (Click to Open)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

OCR Tools To Convert Your Files Back Into Editable Documents

Google Docs has integrated OCR support. It uses the same OCR engine that Google uses to scan books and understand text in PDF files.
To get started, open the Google Docs website and start uploading a file. You can’t scan directly from your scanner into Google Docs; you’ll have to scan the document as an image or PDF file first. If you don’t have a scanner, you can try scanning a document with your smartphone’s camera.
ocr freeware

Enable the “Convert text from PDF and image files to Google documents” check box when you upload the file.
ocr freeware

After you upload the file, it will appear as a new text document in Google Docs.
Google Docs did a pretty good job here. It struggled to understand the web addresses, but all these tools did.
ocr freeware

Unlike many free online OCR tools, like Free OCR (which is different from the FreeOCR below), Google Docs doesn’t have any limits on the amount of pages you can upload.

Site Reference:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Essential keyboard shortcuts for MS-EXCEL

Keyboard shortcuts are the best way to navigate cells or enter formulas more quickly.

Control-Down/Up Arrow = Moves to the top or bottom cell of the current column Control-Left/Right Arrow = Moves to the cell furthest left or right in the current row

Control-Shift-Down/Up Arrow = Selects all the cells above or below the current cell

Shift-F11 = Creates a new blank worksheet within your workbook

F2 = opens the cell for editing in the formula bar

Control-Home = Navigates to cell A1

Control-End = Navigates to the last cell that contains data

Alt-= = Autosums the cells above the current cell

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Difference Between 1D, 2D & 3D Barcode

1D Barcodes
One dimensional barcodes, also called 1D barcodes or linear barcodes are the original.The parallel black lines on the white background is the barcode used since the 1970's solely for storing product numbers and serial numbers for purposes of tracking and pricing various products.

2D Barcodes
This barcodes are called "matrix" or "two dimensional" barcodes, and they are a worthy upgrade to the old one dimensional barcode. 2D barcodes boast a higher storage space and the ability to store more than just a handful of numbers. Instead, the latest versions can store thousands of alphanumeric characters and some can even store characters from other languages! Even more impressive is how many 2D barcodes can perform other functions like launching applications on smart phones, a popular feature of QR Codes, Microsoft Tags and JagTags. The technology behind these 2D barcodes has been around for over 10 years, but popularity has just began to surge in recent years.

3D Barcodes
With two dimensional barcodes being so new, why would there be a replacement already? Three dimensional, or "3D", barcodes are more of an upgrade than an out right replacement. These barcodes are very similar to two dimensional barcodes in function. They can be scanned with simple devices like smart phones and even look the same as far as data encoding. The difference comes in durability. 2D barcodes have a built-in error correction that compensates for some smudging and distortion, but this still isn't feasible when it comes to high temperature or chemical environments. Many manufacturers have cried out for barcodes which can stand up to the temperatures and materials that they use everyday to create their products. 3D barcodes are just that. Instead of reading data based on the ratio of black to white in the barcode, they are read based on height. The 3D barcode is embossed on the product and the scanner looks at the height of each module in the barcode comparatively to decode the information inside.